[Sigia-l] Search log analysis reporting - Excel help?

Billie Mandel Billie.Mandel at openwave.com
Fri Oct 21 19:24:20 EDT 2005

Yeah, yeah - I figured *someone* would decide I was probably overlooking something (should have guessed it would be another New Yorker ;-) )

You're right - this should be easy.  It's totally easy to create a stacked chart in Excel.  My problem is that the values I need to chart aren't consistent across columns.  Say my first stack is titled Email, and it has Outlook, Exchange and Webmail in it.  My second stack is titled Vacation, and I want the blocks within it to be Time Off, Holidays, Leave of Absence and Maternity, but Excel can only use the values from the first column - essentially, one legend per graph.  All Excel will give me is a second column called Vacation, but which is also comprised of Outlook, Exchange and Webmail.  

If, on the other hand, I wanted to track the email queries over time, and my Y axis were months rather than categories, I wouldn't have a problem.  Or if I just wanted to show the frequency of queries on certain categories (Email, Vacation, Benefits, Hiring etc) *without* showing sub-groupings of queries within those categories, I'd also be fine. 

My temporary hack is to do this in PowerPoint, create a new chart for each column and group them all together.  Would be glad to share when I'm done incase anyone is interested.  Does anyone have another way?  I'm sure I'm not the first IA to have to create graphs to present search log analysis.

- Billie

-----Original Message-----
From: sigia-l-bounces at asis.org [mailto:sigia-l-bounces at asis.org] On Behalf Of Listera
Sent: Friday, October 21, 2005 2:55 PM
Subject: Re: [Sigia-l] Search log analysis reporting - Excel help? 

Billie Mandel:

>  I'm finding that hard to believe...

You're not the only one. :-)

I'm really not sure what the difficulty here is. It looks like a simple
problem. One thing you might want to consider is to factor/consolidate
certain data in another part of the spreadsheet or a different worksheet
*before* you chart it in order to simplify the complexity/depth of the


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