[Sigia-l] Nielsen: It's the end!

Skot Nelson skot at penguinstorm.com
Thu Oct 13 10:39:41 EDT 2005

On Oct-13-2005, at 6:48 AM, Timothy Karsjens wrote:

> I mostly think that his statements and opinions are not well  
> researched

I don't think this is true - Jakob's done too much work for too long  
for me to believe it.

I do think Usability and Human Interaction testing is a prime example  
of testing that can be severely skewed by methodology; I have no  
trouble imagining that Jakob is using data methodologies at this point.

At my last job my boss ordered a copy of Norman's book "The Design of  
Everyday Things"; I laughed pretty hard - not a bad book, but it was  
published when - in 1988? A bit out of date, and nice to be working  
somewhere that was only 17 years behind.
Skot Nelson
skot at penguinstorm.com

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