[Sigia-l] This Friday: EURO IA Cocktail Hour

Peter Boersma peter at peterboersma.com
Mon Oct 10 15:38:09 EDT 2005


This is a reminder for (potential) attendees of the EURO IA conference, this
upcoming weekend in Brussels, that there will be a sponsored Cocktail Hour
on Friday Evening!

What:  EURO IA Cocktail Hour
Where: A La Mort Subite
       Rue Montagne aux Herbes Potagères 7 / Warmoesberg 7
       Brussels, Belgium
       (between the Grand Market and the conference hotel)
When:  From 7PM onwards
Theme: Welcome to Brussels, have another beer!

The first $1000 worth of drinks will be sponsored by User Intelligence,
after that it's each man for himself. Be there early! ;-)

Peter Boersma | Consultant User Experience | www.UserIntelligence.com
Vlaardingenlaan 9 | 1059 GL | Amsterdam | The Netherlands
p:+31(0)204084296 | f:+31(0)204084298 | m:+31(0)615072747
mailto:peter at peterboersma.com | http://www.peterboersma.com/blog/

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