[Sigia-l] Iconic paradigms

Ockler, Sarah sarah.ockler at gwl.com
Thu Oct 6 13:02:42 EDT 2005

Hi Ziya,

Seems that concepts or ideas would be much more difficult to represent
as icons than physical objects. I can't think of a site or application
that tries to represent digital concepts with icons of non-tangible
images.  Do you have any examples of a non-object icon? Not necessarily
sites that use them, but something in your mind?  

Sarah L. Ockler 
Web Content Producer
Great-West Healthcare
8505 East Orchard Road
Englewood, CO  80111
v: 303.737.1308 :: f: 303.737.0008  

-----Original Message-----
From: sigia-l-bounces at asis.org [mailto:sigia-l-bounces at asis.org] On
Behalf Of Listera
Sent: Thursday, October 06, 2005 1:30 AM
Subject: [Sigia-l] Iconic paradigms

The vast majority of our digital concepts are represented by icons of
physical objects. Sometimes the former is related to the latter by
reasonable inference. Sometimes the relationship is extremely tenuous,
if there's any at all:

Email -> envelop, mailbox
Edit -> pencil
Security -> padlock
Directory -> manila folder
Delete -> trashcan
Video -> film camera silhouette
Copy -> clipboard

Some deviations also:

Burn -> radioactive sign
Refresh -> circular arrows
Internet -> cloud, globe, Earth

Has anyone come across a site/collection where icons for digital
concepts were systematically NOT represented by direct reference to
physical objects?


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