[Sigia-l] "Who Really Turns Off JavaScript?"

Anjali Arora aa917 at nyu.edu
Mon Nov 7 19:05:51 EST 2005

So why this current AJAX fever: surely the complexity in the back-end is
being more than outweighed by value from seamless user experiences & so
forth? I do believe the form validation example you brought up may have real
value for a user: validation sooner & apparently instantly, rather than
after a page reload.

I guess what I'm curious to know is the costs ( broadly construed, not just
monetary) of creating an AJAX application: why & when would one opt for this

Timothy Karsjens wrote:
You mentioned complexity on the back-end...  Nearly all of the developers I
have worked with on web applications will tell you that if there is any
functionality in JavaScript it will make the back-end MORE complex rather
than less.  Using JavaScript to even validate a form is a ridiculous waste
of time if you are building a real application.  Why?  The form data is
going to be validated AGAIN on the back-end anyway.  Using JavaScript to do
anything of importance in an application is just bad, in my opinion.  There
are too many cases (15%!!!) that would keep me up at night.

> Maybe I *am* too much of a perfectionist, but based on the current browser
stat captures out there, that 15% is just unacceptable.  If that application
server is up, my functionality better be running at 100% across the board,
not 85%. Wow,  I think I *may* be a perfectionist.  Looking back at the
previous project I mentioned, with 5000 functional JSP modules... In the
year and a half I was on the project, I only had 5 QA bugs, total, all of
which were low severity word wrap issues.  Since I was the only one touching
the UI, well... I guess my epiphany for the day is that I should *embrace*
the perfectionism.>
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