Michael Albers
malbers at memphis.edu
Wed May 25 19:05:41 EDT 2005
Note that although the call asks for papers by May 27th (I just got a copy
to post), if you contact the chair (Robert
Newman, R.M.Newman at coventry.ac.uk) you can get an extension.
The 23rd International Conference on Design of Communication
September 21 - 23, 2005; Coventry, UK
THEME: Documenting & Designing for Pervasive Information
Pervasive computing delivers information technology into new environments
for new purposes - in everyday products, in implanted and wearable
devices,in global sensor networks, and in micro-machines. Innovation is needed,
both to describe and document these systems, and to understand and
exploit their potential for information gathering and retrieval.
SIGDOC is a multi disciplinary forum, bringing together communicators,
information designers, computer scientists and others. We now invite
these communities to propose and report the research that will
produce this innovation.
SIGDOC 2005 will provide an opportunity for the exchange of information
related to exciting new research and empirical results in areas such as:
* Documenting mobile, pervasive and component-based systems
* Information design for delivery in a pervasive-computing environment
* Design for new communication media - interactive, 3-D, audio and others
* Culture and communities communicating in a pervasive environment
* Gathering and presenting information from pervasive computing networks
* Usability of information in a pervasive environment
SIGDOC 2005 will include technical papers and participatory workshops.
Research papers or experience reports should not exceed 5,000 words
(8 pages in ACM Press format, including figures and references). The
results described must not be under consideration for publication
elsewhere. Workshop proposals should not exceed 1,000 words.
The proposal should describe the workshop's theme, leader(s), structure,
expected length, and participant selection criteria. Authors will be
notified of acceptance by July 8, 2005. Final versions of technical
papers and workshop descriptions are due by August 5, 2005.
Acceptance for publication is contingent on registration for the
conference. (In the case of multiple authors, at least one must register.)
If you can't attend, a publication fee equivalent to the conference
registration will be charged.
For the first time ever, SIGDOC will be held in Europe: in Coventry,
UK. Coventry, the capital of the ancient kingdom of Mercia, with a history
of over 1000 years, is situated in the Midlands of England, with easy
access to cultural and historic sites such as Stratford-on-Avon, Warwick
and Kenilworth Castles, Birmingham Royal Ballet and Symphony Hall.
Coventry is 15 minutes by train from Birmingham International Airport,
with direct flights to the USA and continental Europe.
Paper Submissions Due: May 27, 2005
Workshop Proposals Due: June 10, 2005
Notification to Authors: July 8, 2005
Camera-Ready Due: August 5, 2005
General Chair: Scott Tilley, Florida Institute of Technology, USA
Program Chair: Robert Newman, Coventry University, UK
Arrangements Chair: Elena Gaura, Coventry University, UK
Conference Support: Damiano Distante (CyberChair Operation), University of
Sannio, Italy
Program Committee
Michael Albers, University of Memphis, USA
Cornelia Boldyreff, University of Lincoln, UK
Vanadis Crawford, IBM Tivoli Software, USA
Damiano Distante, University of Sannio, Italy
Peter Every, Coventry University, UK
Elizabeth Grant, Leicester University, UK
Kathy Haramundanis, HP Corp., USA
Bill Hart-Davidson, Michigan State University, USA
David Hicks, Aalborg University Esbjerg, Denmark
Shihong Huang, Florida Atlantic University, USA
Susan Jones, MIT, USA
Brad Mehlenbacher, North Carolina State University, USA
Barbara Mirel, University of Michagan, USA
Steve Murphy, IBM Canada Ltd, Canada
David Novick, University of Texas at El Paso, USA
Diana Patterson, Mt. Royal College, Canada
Rob Pierce, IBM Corp., USA
Samantha Porter, Loughborough University, UK
Michael Priestley, IBM Canada Ltd., Canada
Clive Richards, Coventry University, UK
Clay Spinuzzi, University of Texas at Austin, USA
John Stamey, Coastal Carolina University, USA
Nina Wishbow, CollabNet, USA
Ken Wong, University of Alberta, Canada
Andree Woodcock, Coventry School of Art and Design, UK
Dr. Michael J. Albers
Professional Writing Program
Department of English
University of Memphis
Memphis TN 38152
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