[Sigia-l] IA for web-based software apps

Listera listera at rcn.com
Tue May 24 01:21:20 EDT 2005

David Mendels:

> As it related to accesibility for Rich Internet Applications, it does
> depend significantly on your technology choices.

Or not.

One of the more salutary effects of the recent interest in Flickr,
GoogleMap, GMail and other apps that perform partial-page updates via some
form of RPC, is the belated discovery that it's not the client/rendering
engine (i.e., Flash vs HTML) that makes some specific technology 99% bad,
it's the fundamental difference between page-based web navigation and
dynamic data-driven online applications. Yes, the Back button now no longer
works "the way it's supposed to" even in non-Flash apps, but, then, neither
does the antiquated notion of a "page" in mid-2005.

I see the Back button and bookmarkability as related but not necessarily
coupled issues in RIAs, the latter, in my opinion, being a somewhat tougher
problem. I think the issues here (of application state communication,
integration, replication and maintenance) go deeper than just accessibility.
A lot of the proposed solutions can only be charitably described as
cumbersome hacks.

Nullius in Verba 

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