[Sigia-l] Key Topics Survey (2006 IA Summit)

Peter Morville morville at semanticstudios.com
Thu May 19 08:00:47 EDT 2005

Our goal for the 2006 IA Summit is to draw both novice AND experienced
practitioners by positioning the summit as a conference "About Information
Architecture" AND "For Information Architects." 

This allows us to provide the bread and butter IA content for newcomers
while adding advanced topics that are relevant to IA practitioners but are
not necessarily part of core IA. 

So, we need your help to identify key topics of strategic interest to the IA
community. Please take a few minutes to complete this survey:

	The survey will be open until end of day May 23, 2005.

And we hope to see you March 23-27, 2006 in Vancouver, British Columbia,


The 2006 IA Summit Program Committee

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