[Sigia-l] Deliverables

Listera listera at rcn.com
Tue May 3 13:16:42 EDT 2005

Jonathan Baker-Bates:

> See also some comments on these sorts of things at:
> http://www.iawiki.net/IlluminatedScroll

My comments on this, and predictable rants against the "deliverables
culture" in general, underscore the fact that often those who deliver these
pretty-but-useless artifacts are not the ones who end up actually designing
the end-product. Therein lies the bigger issue: by divvying up what should
be an integrated (design) process into so many discreet "deliverables"
fiefdoms, we end up misappropriating necessary effort at the wrong phases.
In other words, those who produced the Illuminated Scroll may not be, and
often are not, the ones who will design and erect the actual cathedral.

Nullius in Verba 

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