[Sigia-l] IA and Agile Processes

Listera listera at rcn.com
Fri Jun 10 19:23:13 EDT 2005

Jeff Lash:

> I'm being asked to better clarify and explain the UCD role, and am optimistic
> about the opportunity to define our involvement as WE think it should work.

I've been an advocate/practitioner of iterative-prototype based application
design (notice I haven't used the word 'development') for over 15 years. So
I can safely say that a) you don't have to follow a formalized 'agile'
methodology to achieve a fluid design process and b) the (technical) ability
to create a prototype is no license to drive design. From your description,
it sounds like this is a developer-driven as opposed to designer-driven
project, no?

This may not be the answer you're looking for but those who set the agenda,
tempo, framework and direction of the project get to resolve most of the
questions you raised. You'll have to follow their lead.

Nullius in Verba 

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