[Sigia-l] RE: Card sort result reports?

Dey Alexander deyalexander at gmail.com
Thu Jun 9 05:44:28 EDT 2005

Up to now, I'd have nodded at all the previous responses indicating
that card sort results are just artefacts or influences that get
pushed straight back into design activities and wondered what Amy
might have been asking this question for.

However, I'm now in the position where I *might* need to use the card
sort results (which are mildly supported by task-based analysis at
this stage - more card sorting and testing to do yet though) to
convince content owners to give up on a distinction between two
categories of information.

In this case, the content we're working with currently resides on
separate sites and our task is to bring it together into a
self-contained site. The whole project is politically charged. We're
testing an architecture that the project team has design and which
involves some, but largely minimal, changes to the content structure.

I'm interested now in your reasons for asking the question, and happy
to provide you with whatever I can that we end up using to communicate
the card sort results to stakeholders.


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