[Sigia-l] Lynch Mob Wanted: Flight Booking Interface Behaviour

Andrew andrew at friendlymanual.com
Mon Jun 6 20:16:46 EDT 2005

Hi Ziya,

the old data aggregation problem :) I worked on a project once that was 
trying to successfully aggregate search results from SQL and Z39.50 
databases. It wasn't easy. That said, someone has to solve this problem 
otherwise we'll never see the "Grand Encyclopaedia of Everything" 
concept take off.

Cheers, Andrew

Listera wrote:

>However, a few years ago a seasoned developer from the Boston area who
>worked at what was then a startup focused on improving this stuff had told
>me that the backend gyrations one has to go through to efficiently aggregate
>multi-source data was unbelievably burdensome. We were talking because they
>needed a UI/UX architect who could grok the backend technical limitations
>fairly deeply. I never felt that I could get a chance to make a difference
>given the apparent limitations. There were other commercial reasons why this
>integration/aggregation was difficult as well. I think what this industry
>needs is another Steve Jobs to cut through all the nonsense, business
>models, data access hurdles, etc., to create the iTMS of travel/hospitality

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