[Sigia-l] Pharma websites: the importance of a caregiver link on the homepage

Mary Tung mary.tung at gmail.com
Tue Jul 26 17:33:18 EDT 2005


I am currently working on a drug website, and I'm wondering if there's
any studies / opinions on the importance of having a "information for
caregivers" link on the homepage.

We decided not to put such a link on that homepage, but we need to
make a complying reason why. The reason I gave is that most visitors
to the site, whether they are the user or the caregiver, would want to
research the product, hence they would be more incline to click on the
product information first, and then information for caregivers.

Please give me your thoughts on this, and any studies done on the
usefulness of information for caregivers.

Mary T.

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