Why Visio wireframes are outmoded (Was [Sigia-l] NYU IA class description link)

Anders Ramsay andersr at gmail.com
Mon Jul 11 09:50:33 EDT 2005

On 7/11/05, Dave <dheller at gmail.com> wrote:
> Personally, I think the main problem of this discussion is that it
> assumes that the tool we design in should be the same tool we document
> in.
The tool I design in is mostly a sketch pad and/or a white board for
group sessions. Once something is in the wireframe stage, a good part
of the design concept has already been defined.

> I do agree w/
> Anders that designing interactive systems should be done in an
> interactive environment.
Yes, you crystallized something I was (unsuccessfully) trying to say
earlier - just the fact that you can click from one (static) page to
another in an XHTML/CSS wireframe allows for illuminating aspects of
the design that simply would not be apparent from just looking at the
first wireframe and then looking at the second wireframe - just like
the cut is sometimes more important than the images you are cutting
between in film, so can the transition between pages on a web site be
a critical factor in UX, and one not easily communicated in Visio

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