[Sigia-l] NYU IA class description link

Anders Ramsay andersr at gmail.com
Sat Jul 9 13:36:20 EDT 2005

This looks like it could be a somewhat useful course, as long as
anyone taking it is not expecting it will transform them into an
information architect, just like taking a programming course will not
turn you into programmer.  It might put you on the right path, but
there is (of course) no way of getting around being in the trenches of
an actual project - so, at best, this course, will give you a better
understanding of what information architecture is, maybe even provide
you with a modicum of a foundation, but ultimately and paradoxically
information architecture is not about information architecture - it's
about everything else.  It's about visual design, about computer
logic, about data modeling, about linguistics, anthropology, cognitive
psychology, and on and on and on.

Also, they're using Visio, which means whoever is teaching this is
behind the times.

On 7/8/05, Kathleen Tucker <ktucker24 at hotmail.com> wrote:
> Hello again,
> Here is the link to the IA class description offered by NYU Continuing Ed.
> http://scps.nyu.edu/departments/course.jsp?catId=256&courseId=55376
> Sorry I didn't add it earlier.
> Kathleen
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