[Sigia-l] Data, information, knowledge, wisdom

Ted Han notheory at gmail.com
Sat Jul 2 02:48:21 EDT 2005

On 7/1/05, Boniface Lau <boniface_lau at compuserve.com> wrote:
> So? The key is in the so-called configuration, not whether there is a
> person around.
> A date remains as a date even when there is nobody around.

You fail to agree in spite of yourself :)

You admit that the meaning of an object is supplied by "the so-called
configuration", right?

If one was to take away the configuration, either by changing the
configuration, or removing the devices configured so, is there
anything connecting an input to a meaning?

The case i made (and what seems to be the logical conclusion) was no,
because you have severed the input's connection to the world (i.e. the
thing to which it refers or is associated with).  At that point, it
just becomes a meaningless object.
> BTW, are you going to back up your claim in the "Professional
> Integrity" thread?

I don't know.  I don't really see the point.  The claim i made was
that your trolling was self-evident by the case you,  yourself, made. 
And besides we all have more productive things to be doing.


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