[Sigia-l] cross-reference/thesaraus -type question

Listera listera at rcn.com
Fri Dec 16 00:46:39 EST 2005

Lyle Kantrovich:

> My recommendation would be to never take seriously anyone throwing
> around words like "fairly trivially" and "fairly quickly" when they
> are only as versed in your problem as they can be from one short
> email.  :-)  Not only are those words totally ambiguous, but they are
> far from a real estimate on the work.

This may or may not be complicated to *you* but that's what a DBA learns in
DB architecture 101. I challenge you to demonstrate what's NOT trivial (at
the worst) about a many-to-many mapping.

This says nothing about what the difficulty may be in establishing the
*semantic* nature of the relationship between various lists/taxonomies/etc.
But once that's done by an IA, as I indicated, the *implementation* of it DB
terms is trivial. Let me repeat that, it would be trivial, *for a DBA or a
data architect*. If your DBA experience has shown you otherwise, in the
narrow sense of record matching, do share.


"Innovate as a last resort."

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