Re: [Sigia-l] From libraries to Œ libratories ¹

Alexander Johannesen alexander.johannesen at
Thu Dec 15 17:38:51 EST 2005

On 12/15/05, Listera <listera at> wrote:
> <>
> Likely? Too late?

The library world like to think it is bleeding-edge and up with the
times, but most of the time they're playing catch-up to whatever is
going on. I think it mainly comes down to limited resources, and the
way modern democracies look upon libraries I don't think this problem
will be fixed any time soon.

It's a shame, though, because librarians - despite their meek outside
- has some pretty darn cool and funky ideas about information
management you won't find in the commercial sector, so the article is
right in theory but wrong in praqtice.

I wish we had more resources, or even could select the resources we'd
like, but alas, such is life, and we'll meddle in catchup games as the
modus operandi.

Alex, the sad librarian
"Ultimately, all things are known because you want to believe you know."
                                                         - Frank Herbert
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