[Sigia-l] Personas vs. Audience Analysis

Andrew Boyd andrew at friendlymanual.com
Wed Aug 31 03:50:40 EDT 2005

Listera wrote:

>Advertising industry, often targeting an audience larger than Google's, does
>in fact imagine personality types, whose patterns for
>adoption/consumption/loyalty/empathy/emulation/etc are paramount.
>It turns out, separating who somebody is from what they do is a devilish
>pursuit. :-)
Hi Ziya,

let me go out on a limb here and make another one of those declarative 
statements I said were a bad idea :)

To me, persona == personality + tasks. Tasks cannot be seperated from 
the issue/problem domain, and every single target audience member I have 
ever spoken to is OK with that. Even the most obtuse subject knows 5 
seconds after I say "Hi, my name is Andrew and I am working with the 
<project/productname> guys" that they are being interviewed/observed in 
relation to <project/productname>. Regardless of the problem domain, 
people seem to be OK with "who they are" being asked for in conjunction 
with "what they do".

As to devilish pursuits, well, that is another story entirely :)

Best regards, Andrew

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