[Sigcr-l] Fwd: RE: [Sigia-l] Dublin core subject and dewey decimal

Alexander Johannesen alexander.johannesen at gmail.com
Tue Aug 30 18:39:28 EDT 2005

Hi guys,

Fortune Elkins <fortune_elkins at summithq.com> wrote:
> They have, glory be, a wonderful theasurus in html of international
> human resources terms with equivalents in french and spanish!!!!!!!

There are a few free thesaurus and taxonomies around, so search for
them (ie. APAIS for the Australian public world) and see what comes
up. I've been fiddling in this field for quite a while, and I am in
the making of a free tool that would make anybody with an XSLT
processor able to convert, merge, mangle and display
thesaurii/taxonomy in their application through the use of Topic Maps,
quite easily. I'm now in the process of creating converters, and I've
got APAIS, Shell, Erme and some properitary formats as well. Pointers
to what people might have/need would be most helpful.

Now, having the thesaurii/taxonomy is one thing; it is something
different when it comes time to implement this stuff. Metadata can't
be automagically entered into your system, and quite often I would
recomend you don't. :) Depending on what you plan on doing, I suggest
an autonymous smart search enging (for example the free Lucene), with
a clustering technique (Like Carrot) and a simple interface to access
it would do the trick. Allow people to free-tag (also known as
'folksonomize the shit out of the content'), and put in stricter
taxonomy data if needed.

Happy hunting.

"Ultimately, all things are known because you want to believe you know."
                                                         - Frank Herbert
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