IA and Marketing Sneezers (was Re: [Sigia-l] Site registration

Donna Timara tdonna at gmail.com
Wed Aug 24 18:17:50 EDT 2005

I am not been able to follow the points completely. Although, I agree
about the operational inefficiency arround the sites that asks for
registration, I have difficulty understanding why I oppose the whole
idea and march with "Tim Berners-Lee".

Why asking for registration bad? In what cercumstances?

We so far discussed - they can't efficiently target the audience, they
don't know what to do with the data,... what else? This doesn't seem
to be a substantial reason to oppose the idea.

Thanks in advance,

On 8/24/05, Listera <listera at rcn.com> wrote:
> Andrew Boyd:
> > "If a system design is related to direct marketing of a product or
> > products, then marketing support for that product or products needs to
> > be part of the design".
> Whether it's an idea, service or a product, for profit or otherwise, design
> is always about selling. To the extent that marketing support (or tech
> support, for that matter) is part of selling, it's by definition part of
> design.
> > People sneer at marketing and marketroids, but if you are an "innie",
> Hey, what about us "outies"? :-) Every presentation I make to management
> when recommending design approaches includes a significant discussion of
> what that particular organization can capably afford in terms of
> tech/marketing/training/maintenance/etc support once the product is out the
> door. As an "outie" marketing dept is almost always my ally,
> training/documentation is often not.
> Ziya
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