[Sigia-l] Netiquette

Subir Kumedan alwaysoutbound at yahoo.com
Tue Aug 16 16:30:07 EDT 2005

Hi everyone,

I've been reading the list for the last few months. Lately, and maybe its always been the case,
this is the trend.

A question is posted
 - Some people offer answers (very helpful)
 - some people question the question (very helpful)

then one of two things happen:
1. someone makes a snide comment about one of the posts and sets off this emotional rollercoaster,
that a few get involved and others have to suffer through to find nuggets of information buried

2. one aspect of the question/answer is taken apart and beaten to death

3. An abstract tangetial direction is taken that ends up in scenario 1 or 2

All of this is fascinating I'm sure, but we're here with bigger goals than to show off our
knowledge or harp on someone's ignorance. We all have different needs - I look to this list to
solve pressing issues on how to deal with real-world problems I'm facing, looking for inspiration,
good and bad ideas, and how to bring more of what we do into a clearly defined role, both
internally and externally. Your needs may vary.

My humble plea, is that if we can check the snideness and hostility at the door and focus on what
we're all trying to do with this valuable resource, it'll keep some of us from dropping off the
list, or worse the list shutting down/being censored.

Just one person's 2cents/spam on the matter.

Thanks for listening
Subir Kumedan
Sr. Information Architect

a: 55 Union St
    SF, CA 94111 
e: skumedan at agency.com
w: www.agency.com

--- Brian Verhoeven <BVerhoeven at caliber.com> wrote:

> As an occassional poster, relatively new member of this list (almost 3
> months now), I was wondering if there rules of conduct, or netiquette
> posted somewhere that should be followed as a poster on this list. 
> The reason that I ask is that on more than several occassions I have
> noticed that some on the list tend to send emotionally charged messages
> that, rather than contributing to the issue at hand by adding meaningful
> discussion, tend to refute another poster's opinion/interpretation point
> by point in a manner that, in this faceless medium, appear to be
> personal attacks. 
> At the very least, I hope this message reminds us that it often
> difficult to interpret your intent/emotion/motive through e-mail
> discussion , unless you make it explicitly clear.
> Thanks for sharing your knowledge.
> bv
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