[Sigia-l] Disposable navigation systems

Alexander Johannesen alexander.johannesen at gmail.com
Mon Aug 1 05:04:38 EDT 2005


Natasja Paulssen <natasja.paulssen at ordina.nl> wrote:
> Could I use this combined intellect to find some more existing 
> examples of disposable navigation systems?

You can always try. :) Personally, I'm not quite sure what you mean.
Are you referring to navigational means that are so detached from the
information it provides as "detached"?

If so, look to faceted navigation, or a million other
too-general-for-this-shirt type navigations. I deal with Topic Maps,
and the general Topic Maps datamodel lends itself to a somewhat
"detached" navigation, I guess, but please elaborate a bit.


"Ultimately, all things are known because you want to believe you know."
                                                         - Frank Herbert
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