[Sigia-l] Arturo Montagu
Pablo Lerner
plerner at fibertel.com.ar
Thu Apr 14 08:49:10 EDT 2005
[Re-posted because of formatting problems. Dick]
On april, 8th Professor Arturo Montagu past away. Montagu was teaching at
the Facultad de Arquitectura, Diseño y Urbanismo de la Universidad de Buenos
Aires (www.fadu.uba.ar) and was the Director of the Posgraduate Program of
Digital Design (PADD) (http://www.fadu.uba.ar/posgrados/oferta/pro/pad/).
Arturo spent 40 years of his life working, teaching and researching about
digital design. He started in this field, in the 60' ten years before Doug
Engelbart created the mouse.
In the 60' was granted by the Britain Council and he studied post graduate
courses in the Architectural Association School of Architecture (London
and Manchester). He was awarded by the Royal Institute of British Architects
for his work in reasearch.
He was the first president of the Iberoamerican Society of Digital Grap wich
allowed the integration of research groups of South America and USA, Europe
and Australia.
The creation of the PADD, in 2000, was the first posgraduate program in an
Argentinian University. Montagu used to say: "We have influence en
some students, we help to train them in all the disciplines related
to digital technology"
I'll appreciate all the messages that you can post here or in
http://www.eitan.ws/publicaciones/ver_publicaciones.php?id=17, as a tirubute
to a master of the digital graphic in Argentina and South America.
Pablo Lerner
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