[Sigia-l] Card Sorting software for Mac

Miguel Arroz arroz at guiamac.com
Tue Sep 21 20:13:03 EDT 2004


   I'm on the very early start of the development of a card sorting 
software for Mac OS X. I'm a system administrator on my college, and I 
take care of the design department. My (designer) collegues are a bit 
frustrated because there is no card sorting software for the Mac. So, I 
decided to make one. It does not appear to be a dificult job (my 
biggest problem is TIME to do it, but I think I'll manage it).

   Anyway, there is a question I would like to ask you. What data do you 
want to obtain from the card sorting? I mean, what automated result 
analyzing do you need most? Feel free to send me suggestions to 
arroz at guiamac.com.


Miguel Arroz

       "I felt like putting a bullet between
        the eyes of every Panda that wouldn't
        scr*w to save its species."       -- Fight Club

   Miguel Arroz - arroz at guiamac.com - http://www.guiamac.com

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