[Sigia-l] Re: [aifia-members] IA research?

Peter Van Dijck peter at poorbuthappy.com
Mon Nov 22 12:39:55 EST 2004

Peter Morville wrote:

> facets to IA. A bunch of librarians at a company called Argus did some of
> the earliest work in this area, 

<sound of slap of the wrist> Deserved I guess :) I wasn't aware of that. 
What I meant was: PeterMe popularized the idea (in other words, blogged 
about it). Then we started discussing facets as a community.

> And
> the creators of software tools that leverage facets (such as
> http://endeca.com/) have been very much aware of and in touch with the IA
> community.

Again, good to know! I'm familiar with Endeca's work, but didn't know 
they got ideas from the IA community. I thought they just looked at 
Flamenco for inspiration.


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