[Sigia-l] C+S: search logging dilemma

bill pawlak billpawlak at yahoo.com
Thu Nov 18 20:46:31 EST 2004

> - Any advice about some piece of data you find yourself wishing your
> site were logging when it comes to reporting/analysis time.

The type of questions/issues/problems you are trying to answer is what
should drive the requirements of what you want to collect via data

For example, are you looking to rank keyword searches to provide
initial FAQs?  Are you trying to gauge behavioral patterns by examining
the instances of NLQ vs. keyword searches?  Figure out those types of
questions _first_ and you should have a pretty good start on the types
of data you need to capture.

But, if it's a custom app, a shotgun approach is to log *everything*
you can possibly think of.  Then worry about the custom SQL queries to
analyze the data - once you come up with issues you want to evaluate -


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