[Sigia-l] User Test Cost - Does this sound reasonable?
Lisa deBettencourt
ldebett at hotmail.com
Tue May 25 12:17:51 EDT 2004
Funny... it's not uncommon for a(n evil) Developer to come to me and say,
"er, um, you are looking to do X, but I was thinking that if we did
something like Y, it might be better..." and then we talk about it.
Sometimes, the (evil) Developer is on to something. Sometimes it conflicts
with another area in the design and introduces an inconsistency. Sometimes,
we, together, create an even better solution for everyone. Therefore, the
collaboration is far more valuable than the sum of the individual
I do think there's a lot of bull in the "common" wisdom about development
processes, and in the common wisdom about usability. My conclusion so far
is: good products get developed by talented teams that work closely together
and know their users.
Here here!
~Lisa deBettencourt
Senior User Interface Designer
Bose Corporation
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