[Sigia-l] User Test Cost - Does this sound reasonable?

Chris Chandler chrischandler67 at earthlink.net
Mon May 24 23:59:27 EDT 2004

"Listera" wrote:

> I'd be happy to discuss the actual merits of what I'm advocating or
> Developers shouldn't be in the design business and vice versa.

I'm not sure "advocating" is really of any use. I've been working in an
environment where it's taken two hard years to get the development team
to trust that anyone on the "creative" side knows anything about
application development at all. (In fact, many "designers" and some IAs
don't want to know anything about the technical details of an

I'd be more interested in how you would suggest someone go about making
this dramatic change you advocate for in an enterprise environment? From
my experience, it's a long hard process to develop trust and good
working relationships.


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