[Sigia-l] Dublin Core Users Guide?

Sarah A. Rice rice at seneb.com
Tue Mar 16 16:37:12 EST 2004


I was at the Dublin Core Conference last Fall, and at the meeting of the 
Global Corporate Circle, there was a consensus that there aren't enough 
practical examples of how DC has been implemented in different arenas. We 
are working to get case studies and practical examples together for people 
to refer to.

If you are wanting to use Dublin Core in an enterprise setting and have 
questions that the usage guide doesn't address, please feel free to email 
me or join the DC global corporate circle list for a forum to discuss 
questions. http://www.jiscmail.ac.uk/cgi-bin/wa.exe?SUBED1=dc-corporate&A=1

FYI - when I was implementing Dublin Core for a CMS implementation, I found 
that the usage guide answered some questions, but I found the sigia list 
and the dc-corporate list to be helpful for some basic questions as well.

Good luck!


At 07:39 AM 3/16/2004, Karl Fast wrote:

> > Does anyone know of the best place to download the Dublin Core Users
> > Guide? Are their varying versions? If so, which one is most widely
> > used?
>AFAIK, this site is authoritative when it comes to DC.

Sarah A. Rice . Information Architect . rice (at) seneb.com

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