[spam] [Sigia-l] JOB - AOL Product Design Seeking UI Designers in California and Virginia

lists at emdezine.com lists at emdezine.com
Mon Mar 8 13:34:10 EST 2004

The AOL Product Design group has a need to fill several UI design
positions at different levels, including fulltime, contract and project
work. We are looking for people in both the Corporate Headquarters in
Dulles Virginia and in our California Development office located in
Mountain View California.

We are looking for people who demonstrate the following skills:
• Requires the ability to critically review user interface designs from a
usability perspective

• Possesses thorough understanding of research practices and HCI design
principles and applies them in innovative ways (i.e. rapid prototyping
techniques, paper prototyping, concept mapping, card sorting, task
analysis, scenario development, use case development, ethnographic
research, personas creation, object modeling)

• Identifies, addresses and solves complex user interface design problems

• Possesses strong diagramming and screen layout skills and is able to
create hi-level product flows, navigation maps and screen layouts with
little to no direction from senior designers.

• Possess excellent understanding of AOL style guidelines, design process
and studio workflow

• Possesses increased proficiency in industry standard UI design software
(Visio, OmniGraffle, Illustrator, Photoshop, Powerpoint,    Acrobat)

•  Can lead brainstorming and ideation sessions to generate innovative
solutions to complex design problems

• Not afraid to question problem definitions and reframe problems to
address the underlying issues

• Ability to visualize and model complex concepts, workflows and
navigation systems

All positions require experience and understanding of the software design
process and web application development. Flash experience a plus!

If interested please email James Canfield, (jacanfield at aol.com) Director
of UI with letter of interest and a current resume.

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