[Sigia-l] Re: "Best Bets" the Yahoo way
Brian Ghidinelli
brian.ghidinelli at iconmedialab.us
Wed Mar 3 14:11:48 EST 2004
Listera wrote:
> > Both of them are just ways to guarantee you get included in
> a timely manner.
> Or another way to admit that Yahoo is either incapable or
> unwilling to index
> what's out there in a timely and equitable manner.
I don't think the idea of paying a premium for priority is either new or
all that interesting. AFAIK, paying simply moves you to the front of
the line. Have you ever used FedEx overnight instead of FedEx Ground?
Did you notice one costs more than the other? And they don't even have
a free option! Those villans!
> > This is a war folks, between major search players, and
> until someone wins
> > decisively it is way to dangerous from a business point of
> view to do
> > something as foolish and game-ending as offer irrelevant results.
> So you're saying Google results are irrelevant because they don't take
> money?
I believe Christina means that neither Yahoo nor Google would reduce the
relevancy of their search results (and permanently erode their user
base) in exchange for some short term profits.
I find it amusing how people compare the business strategies of a public
company to those of a private firm. The Google you know today will not
be the Google you know post-IPO. Investor accountability will
eventually bring seas of change that force them to also maximize the
revenue per searcher.
ps: I once worked on Y! search too, long ago, but don't know squat about
what they're doing today
Brian Ghidinelli | User Experience Architect | IconMedialab
22 Fourth Street, 9th Floor, San Francisco, CA 94103
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