[compute] Re: [Sigia-l] User Experience Honeycomb

tOM Trottier tOM at Abacurial.com
Fri Jun 25 14:24:42 EDT 2004

"Accessible" was defined as easily available (readable, navigable) to 
persons who have some technical or personal limits, eg
 - blindness or colour blindness
 - browsers limited in some way, eg text only


On 25 Jun 2004 at 13:16,
Listera <listera at rcn.com> wrote:

> Eric Reiss:
> > I'm all for ADA 508, but navigation has to work for ALL of us,
> It's possible to make a site very "navigable" but poorly "accessible." And,
> I suppose, the reverse is true as well. Are these on a separate track or
> should they necessarily be integrated?
> > And with a narrower definition of findability (minus navigation), I
> > don't worry so much that it could be considered a subset of
> > usability. In fact, I'd be tempted to drop the hexagon for usability
> > entirely. Since both findable and accessible hold down much of the
> > usability fort, why not let "useful" take over the remaining duties?
> If you continue to polygonically "smooth" the surface of a
> hexagon/pentagon/etc you tend to approach a circle. You put a big "D" in it
> (for Design) and it's connected to everything everywhere, as it should and
> does. That way, you can concentrate not on geometry but on solving real-life
> problems, unless of course you were writing a book. :-)
> Ziya
> Nullius in Verba 

------- Quidquid latine dictum sit altum viditur -------
   ,__@	tOM Trottier +1 613 231-6115
 _-\_<,		758 Albert St.,Ottawa ON Canada K1R 7V8
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<a href="http://Abacurial.com">Abacurial Information Architecture</a>
I would rather be exposed to the inconveniences attending too 
much liberty than to those attending too small a degree of it.
-Thomas Jefferson 1743-1826)

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