[Sigia-l] User Experience Honeycomb

Eric Reiss elr at e-reiss.com
Wed Jun 23 14:37:35 EDT 2004


What a wonderfully provocative diagram! But

As has been pointed out by several others, your center hexagon makes
more sense in the context of the user than the site owner. It seems
strange to have these user-centric satellites with the host in the
middle. User-centric, after all, suggests the *user* should be in the

Personally, I see the user and site owner as two distinct sides of
the UX coin. 

I also have trouble accepting “findable” and “accessible” as separate
terms on par with “usable.” For me, they are subsets of “usable.” You
could just as well add “grammatical” to describe the usability of
text, or “clickable” to describe the physical quality of the
navigation (as a suppliment to “findable,” which is generally
restricted to the quality of the labels/IA).

Desirable? Why? There are lots of horrible sites that satisfy both my
informational needs and probably those of the site owner, too,
without being anything I would dare describe as “desirable.” Check
out the sites for various terrorist organizations,
religious/political fanatics, etc. 

With all due respect for the exceptional work done at Stanford, for
me, “credible” lacks nuance. I think there are important subsets here
that are worth mentioning – trust and believability in particular.

May I humbly offer an alternative model:



eric reiss
e-reiss aps
copenhagen, denmark
office: (+45) 39 29 67 77
mobile: (+45) 20 12 88 44

e-reiss is an official sponsor of the
Usability Professionals' Association

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