[Sigia-l] The category of "Miscellaneous"

Listera listera at rcn.com
Wed Jun 16 22:25:00 EDT 2004

Avi Rappoport:

>> Google hasn't spent billions of man-hours to manually organize the web or
>> make relevant links, neither those who created the raw content.
> The labor was distributed across the Web and the time was spent by
> people making links, either as part of their job or as volunteer
> labor.

No specific site/person spent billions of man-hours to manually organize
content/links and not in order to create an algorithmic search engine and
certainly not in concert/agreement with others. A third party used
algorithmic organization to aggregate those disjointed efforts, which is
exactly the advantage of algorithmic scaling. The sum is greater than the
parts, and heck of a lot more cost-effective.

Nullius in Verba 

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