[Sigia-l] The future of WWW...

Listera listera at rcn.com
Fri Jun 4 13:33:31 EDT 2004


> the platform of the web is being used for things it was never intended to do.

So was DOS in the guise of Windows, :-)
> Better, surely, to  bring the browser up to date

Well, you need to tell that to the people who haven't done a thing to IE in
half a decade. Again, the browser could have all the UI features and
functionalities of any other type of app. MS has chosen not to go that way.
> The browser is not the network, but is just a rendering engine for HTML,
> JavaScript & DOM.

And Flash, and QuickTime and Real, and WMV and WMRL and PDF and a million
other formats!
> 1. HTML++ ((x)HTML, JavaScript, CSS, etc) is not sufficient for
> application and even information distribution in the ways it is being
> used today. We have past its abilities and we are now bringing a level
> of complexity to online services and applications that it cannot
> support.

Are you talking about the complexity of coding or the inadequacies in
> 2. The browser for applications is a problem b/c it generates
> confusion for users who cannot for web-applications make sufficient
> mental separation between the browser app and the application that the
> browser is containing.

On a non-Windows browser (which doesn't have a window-based menubar) whose
chrome has been simply coded out by JavaScript this is not a big issue at
> But we were also having an argument before this about whether or not a
> diversity helps or hinders innovation. :)

There's no argument there at all: diversity always helps innovation. :-)

Nullius in Verba 

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