why flash MX 2004 doesn't work for the enterprise, yet (was Re: [Sigia-l] The future of WWW...)

Listera listera at rcn.com
Wed Jun 2 18:02:23 EDT 2004

> But Flash doesn't interrop w/ XUL, CURL or other RIA technologies.

What do you mean? I gave you a specific example of XUL+Flash in Zulu. Flash
is capable of pretty much any input and output. Remember Flex lets you
define runtime Flash UI and functionality via text files in real-time. MXML
is just a bunch tags. So you could have *any* app that can output ascii
files to a Flex server dynamically generate Flash runtime. Just how much
more interop do you need?

> While Flash is x-platform (thank g-d), it is does not interrop w/
> other distributed GUI technologies and thus it is its own sandbox, no?

I'm not sure what exactly you're after here? Do you want other apps to run
MXML or Flash to run XUL or XAML? Macromedia actually said they might
consider running XAML and/or XUL. Again the issue here is not really
> However, flash runs (for most users) in the ActiveX control area. This
> in many enterprises is just plain turned off.

You mean the principal plugin architecture for the monopoly OS you want to
capitulate to is not secure? I'm shocked! :-)

> How can we get around this at the corporate enterprise level?

I got a suggestion you won't like: dump the OS.:-)

Nullius in Verba 

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