[Sigia-l] Transitioning into a user-centered role

Dan Saffer dan at odannyboy.com
Fri Jul 23 14:28:39 EDT 2004

Who controls your company's process, budget, and schedules? Product 
Management? Whomever it is, that is who you want to get in your corner. 
Maybe take them out to lunch and talk about process and what it is 
you're learning. If they get interested in it and hopefully see the 
value of it, they can build time and resources for it into the project 

The other option is to simply start doing it on your own time and 
initiative, on the theory that it's always easier to apologize than to 
get permission. :) Once people (hopefully) see the value of it 
first-hand, you can more easily get them to add it to the process.


Dan Saffer
M.Design Candidate, Interaction Design
Carnegie Mellon University

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