[Sigia-l] CFP: STC Annual Conference, Seattle, May 8-11, 2005
Beth Mazur
bowseat at bethmazur.com
Thu Jul 22 18:36:39 EDT 2004
Do you have something to share about information architecture, usability,
or information design? Then STC, the Society for Technical Communication,
would like to hear from you! We're currently accepting proposals for our
next annual conference at http://www.stc.org/52ndConf/Proposal
"That's a tech writers conference." you say. Well, yes, there are many
tech writers who attend. But STC is home to several thousand members
who belong to its usability, information design, online, and indexing
special interest groups, and our conferences attract many outside the
"traditional" realm of writing and editing.
Here's just a sampling from last year's conference in Baltimore:
* Keynote by Ben Shneiderman
* A panel on the future of web design featuring Steve Krug, Ginny Redish,
Karen Schriver, and Whitney Quesenbery.
* Low-cost content management with Ann Rockley.
* Strategies and tools for IA (and the closing session) with Thom Haller
* Design Standards and the Development Process with Bill Killam
* Brand Experience with Dirk Knemeyer
* Paper Prototyping with Caroyn Snyder
See more at http://www.stcsig.org/usability/activities/conf2004-sessions.html
Speakers receive a discount on an otherwise value-priced conference.
We also welcome speakers from all levels, as our conference attracts
those who are new to the field as well as those who have been in the
field for decades. And Seattle is a *wonderful* conference city, with
the conference is located in the heart of downtown.
To see the full Call or to submit a proposal, please visit the STC site
at http://www.stc.org/52ndConf/Proposal soon.
The deadline for proposals is 12 noon ET, August 12, 2004.
Beth Mazur
IDblog: http://idblog.org
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