[Sigia-l] Open Source Usability -- curable?
dheller at gmail.com
Thu Jul 22 15:41:33 EDT 2004
Well, there have been new projects created that are open source. The
Mitch Kapor project http://www.osafoundation.org/.
But the question of presidence is an interesting one. My understanding
is that the "owners" of an open source project can set up the rules of
administration however they like. So presidence doesn't really effect
anything, so long as all the stakeholders involved are willing to
participate under the new rules.
I think we have inherited a bad system for open source b/d the first
OSS projects were all back-end software like Linux and Apache, and it
was assumed that b/c it worked (arguably) for them that we should
continue using it for others projects regardless of type of software.
-- dave
On Thu, 22 Jul 2004 14:42:18 -0400, Listera <listera at rcn.com> wrote:
> > if we wanted to create an OSS project for a type of software product, we could
> > attempt to set it up in a way that meets both developer and designer's needs.
> Dave, are there any precedents for this?
> Ziya
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David Heller
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