[Sigia-l] "clear" button on web forms

Listera listera at rcn.com
Fri Jul 16 15:05:11 EDT 2004

H Taylor:

> Why is it so ubiquitous?

Why do people still use IE? I love the "Clear" button. It's one of web's
best "intent checkers": you fill out a long form and accidentally erase
everything. You do a Dick Cheney and throw your mouse at the monitor. Then
comes the moment of decision the designers carefully embedded into the UI:
do you have the burning desire to do it all over again? Do you really,
really want to fill out this form? We dare you! Separates the men from the
boys, don't it?! Only the truly dedicated complete the form and the riffraff
get left behind. It's client-side validation at its best, without taxing the

Nullius in Verba 

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