Trust issues (was Re: OT: [Sigia-l] Usability Prank)

Anne Miller a.miller at
Wed Jul 14 22:38:13 EDT 2004

The assistant had a choice. (S)he didn't HAVE to see that email. My
understanding is that it didn't actually go to his(er) boss.  I would
probably have confronted the individual concerned personally and expressed
my displeasure. 

I don't see this as a moral issue rather I see it as a good manners issue
where manners are about promoting a social environment characterised by
respectful/constructive interpersonal relations. The eaves dropper is guilty
but the consultant's actions hardly foster good relations either. The eaves
dropper will have taken away a life lesson learnt. What did the consultant
take away - a smug self-satisfaction perhaps? 

Dr Anne Miller
Program Coordinator, Human Factors Online
Key Centre for Human Factors & Applied Cognitive Psychology
Ph: 61 7 3365 4543
Email (preferred): amiller at

-----Original Message-----
From: sigia-l-admin at [mailto:sigia-l-admin at] On Behalf Of
Boniface Lau
Sent: Thursday, 15 July 2004 12:24 PM
Subject: RE: Trust issues (was Re: OT: [Sigia-l] Usability Prank)

> From: Andrew
> In Alexandre's defence, it is tempting to do this sort of thing,

If it is a legitimate concern that the assistant did not turn off his
monitor in between sessions, then the complaint to his boss should
deal with that issue, and not about the assistant's performance.

However, if the monitor issue was not a legitimate concern and a
performance complaint was made in response, then I see it as morally


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