[Sigia-l] blame canada ;]

Andrew andrew at pcug.org.au
Sun Jul 11 03:35:38 EDT 2004

Hi Eryk,

I know that it is nobody else's problem but their own... but there are 
workplaces (albeit dwindling) where NN 4.7.x is THE browser, and I 
cannot begin to tell you how frustrating this can be - imagine working 
with external graphical designers who can't see why their flash 
rollovers, disjoint rollover menus, and general layers-dependant page 
layouts just won't work on the client's intranet because of #$%^& NN 4.7 
:) Imagine getting a call from the senior client contact saying that his 
boss's boss (organisational head) thought that the new website looked 
like crap on his desktop... how embarrassment  :)

The organisation's own stupid fault? Of course it is :) But an issue 
that had to be confronted by the IA and web teams.

Cheers, Andrew

Eryk Orłowski wrote:

>right, blame canada ;] but, talking about standards, what about nn 4.7? i
>know, i know - well prepared service is well displayed in all browsers, but
>why support obsolete standards?

Andrew Boyd   andrew at pcug.org.au
"Do not ask me why I follow my heart, 
... ask your self why you do not... "

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