[Sigia-l] Information Architect Job Openings with LDS Church

Mark Brand mark.brand at elegalpublishing.com
Sat Jan 31 06:33:39 EST 2004

Hi List:

Sorry if I insulted anyone - it was not personal.

* eric  ... SIGIA-L list: where did you hear of it, was it a referral, 
did you stumble...

How i got here - not quite sure,  i have been looking at so many new 
things lately that i have just lost track. 

I posted because  what Peter had said was fair comment - but  did not 
receive any support - quite the opposite in fact.

My post was also a reaction to a previous post on this list relating to 
a "danish plant that detects mines".  Mines are a tragedy - a technical 
fix such as this, is not the answer to anything at all. It certainly is 
possible "mine detecting plants" have some relevance on an IA list, 
unfortunately  the lighthearted manner in which the issue was dealt 
with, trivialised and hid important social and political problems..

*eric  what were your expectations for the list you were about to join

I subscribe to lists
* To learn about a particular concept, in this case IA.
* To learn from people who are smarter than I am
* To learn from people who have more experience in a particular field.

*eric ...explain what your background is .....

My background is software development, and I am currently working on a 
project that involves republishing government legislation (Australia). 
To that end i have been spending a lot of time researching semweb stuff, 
computational linguistics and  knowledge management / representation.

*eric many other lurkers might come forward. 

yes, its true, you have outed me - i am a list lurker:-). i am not usually roused to post stuff on lists - only when i know the answer to a direct question. 

I have to also confess to having absolutely no clue as to what IA is:-)

Best Regards
Mark Brand


*eric heed to Ziya's bilious "welcome" - if you've been ...

no problemo.

Eric Scheid wrote:

>On 31/1/04 3:32 PM, "Mark Brand" <mark.brand at elegalpublishing.com> wrote:
>>>peter  It's mindless palaver such as this that has pretty much ruined
>>>the SIGIA-L list.
>>i totally agree with peters comments, i am a relatively new to this list
>>and find it extremely noisy, and pretty much a waste of space and time.
>Pay no heed to Ziya's bilious "welcome" - if you've been on the list even
>for a short time you'll know he's not representative of the norm.
>I'm more interested though in the observations of outsiders. These are
>people that are not so invested/inured that they can point out the elephants
>in the room.
>I'm also interested in what led you to the SIGIA-L list: where did you hear
>of it, was it a referral, did you stumble on a message from the archives,
>etc. Furthermore, what were your expectations for the list you were about to
>join, what benefits did you think the list would bring, what did you hope to
>learn or provide? For context, you might explain what your background is,
>have you crossed over from another discipline, are you a recent graduate, do
>you work inside the dusty bowels of some corporate?
>And so on.
>You might want to post a self introduction to the list, who knows how many
>other lurkers might come forward.
>If you do, I would recommend you include wordings along the line that
>although discouraged by a decidedly unwelcoming dummy-spit by one member,
>you've received other far more encouraging emails off list. The last thing
>we want to do is let him (or others) think it's OK to be so nasty because it
>"provoked you to contribute to the list".

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