[Sigia-l] Conference planning

Beth Mazur bowseat at bethmazur.com
Sat Aug 21 16:55:24 EDT 2004

Peter Van Dijck wrote:
>quick question: what conferences look worthwhile from Nov 2004 throughout 2005?

Oy, the first half of 2005 has all sorts of interesting options. Of course, there is
the IA Summit, which is scheduled for March 3-6 in Montreal. There's also DUX,
which doesn't quite yet have any details I'm aware of, though I think San Fran
in June is a good bet (DUX is a co-conference for CHI and AIGA, with support
from local friends in the Bay area; AIGA's Experience Design group held
its own event with DUX as well in 2003).

Other peripheral UX/ED conferences include STC's in Seattle, May 8-11. No, it's not
just for tech writers...I'm the program manager, and over half of the proposals
we've received are for our tools & technology, usability & information design,
and management tracks (we call 'em stems). CHI is also on the West Coast
(in Portland), April 2-7. There is an interesting consortium being held as part
of CHI 2005 related to the issue of those who are multi-disciplinary (i.e., one
professional association doesn't cut it). UPA is the last of the spring/summer
season; it's also in Montreal from June 27-July2.

And depending if Oct 2004 or Oct 2005 works, the "about, with and for"
conference in Chicago looks interesting too.

For more, check out Peter Bogaards' very nice conference calendar, with lots of
international conferences: http://www.informationdesign.org/

Here are some conference URLs. Note that most aren't that useful yet...they
are mostly in the "just did CFP, not yet doing registration" mode.

AWF: http://www.id.iit.edu/events/awf/
CHI: http://www.chi2005.org
DUX: http://www.dux2005.org
IA Summit: http://www.iasummit.org
STC: http://www.stc.org/conference.asp
UPA: http://www.upassoc.org/conferences_and_events/upa_conference/2005/

Beth Mazur
IDblog: http://idblog.org

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