[Sigia-l] IA Java alternatives

lists lists at semioticpixels.com
Wed Apr 21 13:25:53 EDT 2004

The below css/js menu put together by Eric Meyer is accessible - the
submenus are nested lists so their relationship to the parent element is
architecturally intact. The default orientation for the below code is
dropdown, but you can modify it to do a flyout instead.


Regarding the whole to-do or not-to-do javascript discussion - if using the
WAI checklists as guidelines for accessibility, it's fine to use tools like
javascript as long as there is a functional, machine-readable alternative. I
think most of us just find it's easier to make design decisions up front
that do not require developing lots of alternatives. 

Nested or hidden submenus often do make a page more usable - they can make
possible more whitespace on a document, shallower directory structures that
are more navigable and easier to remember, and can contribute to a clearer
mental model of how a site is organized.

my .02


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