[Sigia-l] Final CFP: ACM Eye Tracking Research & Applications (ETRA) 2004
Roel Vertegaal
roel at acm.org
Tue Sep 16 13:15:24 EDT 2003
Eye Tracking Research & Applications
Symposium 2004
22-24 March 2004, San Antonio, TX, USA
Final Call for Participation
Sponsored by
Recent advancements in eye tracking technology, specifically the
availability of cheaper, faster, more accurate and easier to use
trackers, have inspired increased eye movement and eye tracking research
efforts. The Eye Tracking Research & Applications (ETRA) 2000 and 2002
meetings brought together an international and interdisciplinary group
of researchers. The success of these meetings has laid the groundwork
for future symposia (currently on a biennial schedule). Since the year
2000 meeting, reports of various novel eye tracking applications have
appeared, ranging from gaze-contingent Level-Of-Detail computer graphics
to Human-Computer Interaction applications, from new psychophysical
studies to the development of new eye tracking technologies. The
motivation of the Symposium calls for the discussion of both theoretical
and applied eye tracking issues. It is hoped this Symposium will foster
new interdisciplinary, collaborative ties as well as provide a venue for
dissemination of peer-reviewed research results in this burgeoning
research area.
This year's conference will feature a special session on Attentive User
Interfaces, or AUIs. We especially invite any submission that uses eye
tracking for interactive input in determining focus of attention in
human computer interaction applications.
Applied papers reporting on the development or use of eye tracking
systems are sought falling in two main categories: (a) real-time
interactive systems and (b) off-line diagnostic applications. Examples
of the former include applications where the display or form of
interaction depends on real-time knowledge of the user's gaze direction,
e.g., "gaze-contingent" interactive environments. Applications falling
in the latter category involve recording real-time eye movements over a
visual stimulus for later off-line analysis, e.g., gaze information
supporting usability, psychophysical, or neurological studies (to name
three examples).
While ETRA is primarily directed towards eye tracking applications,
papers on theoretical aspects of eye movements and cognition are also
encouraged. Examples may include papers elucidating the neurological
substrate of human vision, visual attention and eye movements, or papers
suggesting techniques for characterization and automatic identification
of eye movements, e.g., saccade/fixation detection.
Suggested paper topics/categories include (but are not limited to):
o Eye Movement Principles o Pupillary/Blink Response
o Eye Movement Analysis o Attentive User Interfaces
o Eye Tracking Systems o Real-Time Systems
o Visual Search o Gaze-Contingent Displays
o Visual Attention o Driving Applications
o Eye Typing Applications o Virtual Reality Applications
o Usability o Cognition
Oral presentations will be short (about 20 minutes) and limited to 3 per
session. Presenters are asked to prepare their presentations in MS
PowerPoint format. An LCD projector will be provided to allow speakers
to connect their laptops.
A symposium program identifying accepted papers, listing contributors
and paper titles, will be made available before the event.
New for 2004, ETRA will be using an electronic paper submission system.
Full paper submissions should be uploaded via our electronic submission
web site: <http://submit.e-t-r-a.org/>. The submission web site will be
available a short time before the paper due date.
Full paper submissions must be in PDF conforming to the ACM SIGGRAPH
proceedings format. Further details and guidelines, including MS Word
and LaTeX templates, are available at the URL:
Brief formatting guidelines:
o The maximum paper length is eight pages, each page in US
Letter dimensions. The body of the paper should be set in
two-column style, with each column measuring 3.33 inches (8.46 cm)
wide with a 0.34 inch (0.84 cm) gutter between the columns.
o The "US Letter" page size measures 8.5 inches (21.59 cm) by 11.0 inches
(27.94 cm), with top, left, and right margins measuring 0.75 inches
(1.905 cm), and a bottom margin of 1.0 inch (2.54 cm).
o Papers should have a 1.5 inch (3.81 cm) space left blank at the bottom
of the left column on the first page of the paper for the copyright
block added during the printing process.
Papers submitted for peer-review should be in double-blind format.
Authors' names should be omitted from the front page, but a separate
cover page should be generated including title, an abstract, keywords
and phrases, authors' names, affiliations, plus a contact author's email
address, mailing address, phone number, and fax number. Note: If you're
using the LaTeX format, the 'review' option will generate the paper in
the required review format automatically.
Andrew T. Duchowski
Dept. of Computer Science
Clemson University
Clemson, SC 29634-0974 USA
andrewd at e-t-r-a.org
Roel Vertegaal
Dept. of Computer Science
Queen's University
Kingston, ON
Canada K7L 3N6
roel at cs.queensu.ca
John W. Senders
Dept. of Mech. & Indust. Eng.
University of Toronto
Toronto, ON
Canada M6R 2X5
jw.senders at utoronto.ca
Arnon Amir (IBM Almaden, USA)
Wendy Ark (University of California, San Diego, USA)
Mike Daily (HRL Laboratories, USA)
Myron Flickner (IBM Almaden, USA)
Kikuo Fujimura (Honda Research Institute, USA)
James Gips (Boston College, MA, USA)
Joe Goldberg (Oracle, USA)
Brooke Hallowell (Ohio University, OH, USA)
Riad Hammoud (Delphi-Delco, USA)
Anthony Hornof (University of Oregon, USA)
Tom Hutchinson (University of Virginia, VA, USA)
Aulikki Hyrskykari (University of Tampere, Finland)
Robert Jacob (Tufts University, MA, USA)
Keith Karn (Xerox, NY, USA)
David Luebke (University of Virginia, VA, USA)
Lester Loschky (University of Illinois, USA)
Arantxa Villaneuva Larre (Public University of Navarre, Spain)
Paivi Majaranta (University of Tampere, Finland)
Jeff Mulligan (NASA Ames, USA)
Claudia Mello-Thoms (University of Pittsburgh, USA)
Darius Miniotas (University of Tampere, Finland)
Minoru Nakayama (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan)
N. Hari Narayanan (Auburn University, AL, USA)
Takehiko Ohno (NIT, Japan)
Carol O'Sullivan (Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland)
Derrick Parkhurst (Johns Hopkins University, USA)
Timo Partala (University of Tampere, Finland)
Kari-Jouko Raiha (University of Tampere, Finland)
Matthias Rauterberg (Technical University Eindhoven, Holland)
Waldemar Rojna (Consultant, Poznan, Poland)
Ron Schuchard (Emory University, USA)
Tom Schnell (University of Iowa, IA, USA)
Charles Scialfa (University of Calgary, Canada)
Manbir Sodhi (University of Rhode Island, USA)
Jochen Triesch (University of California, San Diego, USA)
Trent Victor (Volvo, Sweden)
David Wooding (University of Derby, UK)
Daniela Zambarbieri (University of Pavia, Italy)
Sep. 22 Submission deadline
Oct. 27 Acceptance/rejection notice
Nov. 17 Paper authors send revised papers to proceedings producer
Feb. 22 Registration deadline
Mar. 22-24 Symposium
The Symposium will be held at the historic Menger Hotel in San Antonio,
TX. Please see the symposium web page for hotel rates and hotel
reservation information.
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