[Sigia-l] Good design...

Eric Reiss elr at e-reiss.com
Tue Oct 21 04:25:31 EDT 2003


You're absolutely right. Design guides do not guarantee good design.
In fact, the bigger the company, the stricter the rules, which often
stifle creativity.

Right now, I'm fighting with the design police from a
multinational(unnamed) software company because one of their
desk-toppers doesn't like my headlines for a brochure (They don't
look nice. Please use words that don't have any decending letters.).
And heaven forbid there should be any symbolism in the visuals or a
direct link between the visual and the text. (Happy people in an
office environment, please. Didn't you read the guide? I don't want
to have to mention this again...).

Oh well...

copenhagen, denmark

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