[Sigia-l] Faceted approach applied to content

Listera listera at rcn.com
Fri Nov 14 15:27:59 EST 2003

"Donna M. Fritzsche" wrote:

> Sorry about the confusion, I reposted because it I was sent a message
> saying my originals had not been accepted because of a list
> membership problem, then it went and posted my messages anyway! I'll
> follow up with Dick Hill.

This is been going on for over a week now and is very annoying.

But even if you posted ten times, it would have been worth it because it
contained this gem:

> I personally find the term facet to be confusing.  I prefer the terms
> attributes and attribute values.  These terms are used in both the database
> world and the artificial intelligence world, to describe a very similar
> functionality, sometimes the exact same functionality.

No truer words.

Nullius in Verba 

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