[Sigia-l] "Artful Making"
Christina Wodtke
cwodtke at eleganthack.com
Thu Nov 13 00:02:24 EST 2003
mad quoting from the readers digest version of the book
to follow
If only on this list we more often practiced "Recognizing, marking, and
transforming pregnant moments of friction and collision into opportunities
for breakthroughs" rather that simple fighting (Karl Fast is master of
transforming a snipe into a dialog).
Considering rather than "All ideas are encouraged, no matter how bizarre."
often ideas on this list are shouted down as radical, stupid, impractical,
I'd say not enough creative abrasion happens. and too much simple posturing
How much does it take to disagree politely, respectfully, thoughtfully and
how easy is it to simply shoot off facile one-liners that end dialog rather
than further it?
What fascinates me most about creative abrasion is that it is a way for
people to disagree in a way that causes creativity rather than shutting it
down. I may shy away from cruelty and pettiness, but not from dialog.
However, you and I may have very different ideas about what dialog consists
of. For example, replying to a comment about a book is responded to by a
dig... dialog? Why make a personal comment to the list except to make
yourself look important?
Perhaps we should look to list-managers to help make our arguments fruitful:
"It is management's task to ensure that friction is creative." or perhaps
that is unnecessary on a list where group dynamics eventually correct such
matters. But then again how can a conversation go from simple one-upmaniship
in public to real creative conversations (I'm certain we behave far worse
with an audience than we would one-on-one.)
----- Original Message -----
From: "Listera" <listera at rcn.com>
To: "SIGIA-L" <sigia-l at asis.org>
Sent: Wednesday, November 12, 2003 7:28 PM
Subject: Re: [Sigia-l] "Artful Making"
> "Christina Wodtke" wrote:
> > creative abrasion, a concept I'm currently intrigued by
> That's intriguing. You often shied away from it here on this list.
> ----
> Ziya
> If you take a middle-of-the-road position,
> you risk getting hit by traffic from both directions.
> ------------
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